Giant solar power plant in Africa could power up Europe

At the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, the efforts to move towards more sustainable energies are also felt, with one of the largest solar plants in the world, that of Noor in Uarzazate.

One of the objectives of this solar power plant is the energy transition, exemplifying the path open to Africa, which places the hope in having a new source of income that drives the development of the most impoverished continent.

This is a very ambitious renewable energy plan, since Morocco is located in a continent that seeks to reduce its energy dependence and at the same time, sees in the exploitation of energy to the developed countries an option that takes off from the Magred (northern region of the continent African) to the Middle East and from there to Sub-Saharan Africa based on this Solar Power Plant.

Morocco hopes that by 2030, half of the country's energy consumption by 52% will come from clean energy.

To achieve these objectives, much depends on the sun, air and water, part of them have already been incorporated thanks to the installation of the Uarzazate thermo solar plant, a desert door that is a cradle of adaptation of energy from the sun, which shines in this place for 330 days a year. Producing for three hours once the sun goes down, with its storage of energy in reserves with molten salts based on sodium and potassium nitrates.

The solar plant will continue to grow once Noor II and Noor III are completed, which are the two phases that are underway with an investment of 1,800 million euros. The authorities estimate that after they finish construction of the plant in 2020 approximately, it will provide up to 2000 megawatts (unit of measurement of electrical energy).

The impulse of the Moroccan government to clean energy is spread throughout Africa, with plants under construction in the Middle East and in South Africa, as well as in Rwanda, Uganda or Ghana; countries that can find in the sun an alternative for the supply, to produce energy for the exterior and, with it, to find a new income channel for the continent.

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